Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday Feb 9th - Part Two

Hi Everyone,
Dana came out of surgery pretty sore and in a lot of pain. I sat with her until about 9pm and by that time she was sitting up and starting to feel a little better. She had this little button in her hand that she kept pushing that seemed to make herself feel better. She kept pushing it just like the contestants do in Jeopardy. In a raspy bedroom type voice she whispered "Maybe we could get one of these at home".
It took me about 20 minutes to read all of the emails that piled up in her room in just the few hours that she was away. They brought a few tears but most of all a lot of smiles. Keep them coming! We are both overwhelmed by how many people out there care so much about Dana and our family. Dr. Murthy has been with her from day one and has been great. He has told us everything we can expect and has been very honest and not held anything back. Every time he meets with us he sits down to talk and not once have we felt like he is looking at the clock trying to get to his next patient. He makes Dana feel like she is the most important patient he has and has as much time to talk as we need. Very impressed with him and the experience so far with the Torrance Memorial BICU. (Burn Intensive Care Unit) The nurses are great. Dana has built a bond with each of them. One of he nurses name is Stacey and she actually had a best friend growing up in Northridge named Dana and the ironic part of the story is that she lived on Lindley St. What are the odds! I am sure Dana will be bouncing back tomorrow and will impress all of us with her determination! Thanks again to everyone for the support you are giving her.

Some of you have mentioned that you have not heard actually what happened so I am posting a copy of an email I have previously sent to some of you.
On Saturday, Dana was burned in our kitchen when a bottle of peppermint extract fell out of the cabinet, broke and splashed all over the front of her. It was ignited by the flames of our gas stovetop. By the time she got the fire out on her clothing she was wearing she was burned pretty bad. We met with the Dr this morning and thought I would pass on the latest. About 25% of her body is 2nd & 3rd degree burns. Burns are on her stomach, legs, and left hand and forearm. Her first surgery is Tuesday and will be followed by a skin graft surgery every week for several weeks. Needless to say, the pain is pretty bad but she will make a full recovery but it will be a fairly long process. Her spirits are good and she is very positive and receiving great care.

She cannot receive flowers or visitors other than immediate family but I know that she would love to receive cards. You can send them to her at:
Torrance Memorial Hospital
Att: Dana Lindley burn unit rm#251
3330 Lomita Blvd
Torrance, CA 90505

Also the Hospital is really good about delivering her email. Here is the link to send her an email message.

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